This simple tutorial will guide you on how to add a profile picture, to your FinView Control account.

1. Hover over your user account.

Hover with your mouse over your user account, at the bottom left of the screen.

Hover over your user account.

2. Click "View profile"

Select view profile.

Click 'View profile'

3. Click the Image circle next to your name.

Next to your account name, click the image circle.

Click the Image circle next to your name.

4. Add your image file.

Now you can upload your image file to FinView. Either you can click the box and select from your file manager. Or, you can drag and drop your file directly.

Add your image file.

5. Click "Submit"

Click the submit button.

Click 'Submit'

6. Upload complete

Your new profile picture is now visible on your user profile page.

Upload complete

That wraps up this tutorial. If you need any support with FinView Control, please contact your agency.

Dylan de Blieck
Hat das seltsamste Hobby - frag ihn! Einfach ausgedrückt, Dylan sorgt dafür, dass alles zusammen mit Finaps funktioniert.
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