Explore how to efficiently navigate and access event logs for a case in FinView. From communications to workflows, the events section provides insight into what is happening, on each and every case.

1. Open the case

Navigate to your case, in FinView Control

Open the case

2. Click "Events"

To open the events panel, make sure to click the events button, as highlighted.

Click 'Events'

3. Events window

All the events are now visible in the events window. The latest activities are always presented first. By scrolling through the list of events, you will see the full history relating to this case.

Events window

That's it. FinView Control is designed to give you access to your case. Our events section, gives you the visibility on what is happening.

Dylan de Blieck
A le passe-temps le plus étrange, demandez-lui ! En termes simples, Dylan fait en sorte que tout fonctionne en collaboration avec Finaps.
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