Debt collection software to help you effortlessly manage your cases.

Our debt collection software is fully customisable and can be tailored to meet the unique needs of your business. You can easily set up rules and workflows that align with your debt collection strategies, ensuring that you get the best possible results.

Data Handler
A seamless data handling experience that helps reduce friction in your data journey.
A simple ticketing system that ensures all your team manage all events on every case.
Connect to your customers, cases and 3rd parties, all from one shared inbox for your whole team.
Mobile App
Give customers full control of their case via the FinView app. Available online or to download.
Debt collection software

Built in the cloud, available globally

FinView is developed on Microsoft Azure. This gives us enterprise-grade cloud infrastructure that is scalable and secure. Better still, no matter where you are located, we can create, deploy and manage your organisation on data centers in your region with just a few simple clicks.

93% more energy efficient than traditional data centers

Multi-layered security across all our regions


Fast, easy, seamless data onboarding.

Importing, cleansing, matching and enriching data have become essential tasks in today's data-driven world. Our debt collection software was developed to reduce friction on your data journey so you can spend more time using your data to improve your debt collection results!

Import any size or shape of data

Instantly identify faulty records and cleanse

Match against your existing database


Debt collection software with its own drag-&-drop workflow tool.

Engage debtors through multiple channels of communication. Our built-in workflow builder helps you fully automate your debt collection processes, orchestrate your data and support you in building powerful, personalised experiences across all channels.
Better still, you don't need any developer experience.

No coding needed

Add pre-made communication templates in one click

Link multiple flows together


Communicate via any channel, from one shared inbox.

The FinView debt collection software provides your team with one place to connect with customers, debtors or third parties via any channel.
Support customers across different channels

Inbox enables your team to respond to customers or third parties via different channels. From traditional emails to text to speech, our library of channels is continuously growing.

Easily answer customers with pre-made templates

Inbox integrates directly with our drag-&-drop email builder which enables you to make beautifully designed templates. This helps respond to questions way faster than before.

Track deliverability success on each communication

With all communications, you can instantly see whether they have been delivered, opened or failed, enabling your teams to react directly and keep the communication channel alive.

This is some text inside of a div block.

A simple ticketing system, for your whole team.

A single ticketing system for better collaboration across all your debt collection cases. Smarten up your daily workflow, and delight customers with your swift support.

Ensure all received emails are handled

Manage all unpaid payments instantly

Allocate tickets to different team members

Manage attachments and link directly to your Inbox

All features

The FinView eco-system is packed with enormous functionality.

FinView continues to evolve in order to offer new and improved features. We pride ourselves on being ahead of the curve with our cutting-edge platform so that you can work faster and more efficiently than ever before.

Drag & drop template builder

Provide your team with tools designed for maximum productivity. FinView's Case Manager module not only simplifies, but also improves, debt collection processes, allowing your team to perform at its maximum potential.

Real time insights & analytics

FinView's real-time insights and reporting will help you improve your recovery performance. Our seamless, end to end analytics experience empowers your team to work faster and more efficiently.


Our streamlined ticketing system makes it easy to manage case-related tasks. FinView TaskDesk consolidates communications and unlinked payments in one place, optimising your team’s organisation and productivity.

Data Handling

Tasks like data cleansing, matching and enrichment are essential in today's data-driven world. FinView makes it easier for you to manage your data journey and focus on using your data to increase recovery rates.

Digital payments

For your debtors' convenience, FinView seamlessly integrates a wide range of payment options into its app. Choose your preferred payment provider and provide a variety of payment options to your debtors through our mobile app/portal.

All communications in one place

Inbox unites communications from clients, case owners, and other parties into one comprehensive case view. It delivers extraordinary digital experiences for all involved, using channels like emails, SMS, voice mails, and WhatsApp.
"With the FinView debt collection software, we have seen significant improvements in our collection efforts, with faster and more consistent payments from our case owners. The software is super easy to use, ensuring our team can quickly adapt to changes in our cases"

Jonathan Grant

Founder at DigiCollect, South Africa

Automate your collections and legal case processes

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