
Choose a Plan

We offer pricing plans that fit all business types and sizes. Compare and find the best plan for you.


€620 /month

Great for small collection agencies handing one off cases or small portfolios.

€990 /month

For medium sized collection agencies who are growing and looking to automate.

€1250 /month

For larger agencies with an international reach and larger portfolios.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions? We have answers.
If you can’t find what we are looking for, feel free to get in touch.

FinView works with two case types - open and closed. Our pricing model is only based on cases which are open. If you have 25,000 totalcases of which 7,000 are closed, you will be fall in FinView Plan C as your total open cases will be between the 15,000 and 19,999. For clientswith more than 100,000 open cases, we will provide a customised proposal specific for your business.

For each plan you will automatically get the number of users as indicated above. This includes an admin user. The number of users for Plans A to F is non-negotiable.

The onboarding fee is a fixed fee for all new clients. The fees for extra users and development is below:

  • Onboarding fee: €7000 upfront fee, 5 days consultancy to get fully set up
  • Additional users: Additional users above your package costs €99 per user
  • Consultancy fee: Extra consultancy or training days are available at €140 per hour
  • Development fee: If custom development is required this is charged at €160 per hour.