Understanding 'Up to Today' and 'All Tasks' Navigation in My Open Tasks

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last update:
May 10, 2024

In FinView's TaskDesk, managing your tasks effectively is made simpler through the use of quick navigation options. Specifically, there are two quick navigation buttons in the 'My Open Tasks' section: 'Up to Today' and 'All Tasks'. Here's how they work:

  • Up to Today: Clicking on the 'Up to Today' button will filter and display all tasks assigned to you with a deadline of the current date or any date in the past. This is particularly useful for quickly accessing tasks that are due for immediate attention or those that may have been overlooked and have now passed their due date.
  • All Tasks: Clicking on the 'All Tasks' button, on the other hand, will display all tasks assigned to you, regardless of their deadline. This includes tasks with deadlines set for any future date. This allows you to have an overview of all your tasks, providing you with the ability to plan and prioritise your work in advance.

To use these quick navigation options, simply click on the respective button in the 'My Open Tasks' section of the TaskDesk. This will instantly filter and present the tasks as per the button's function, enabling you to effectively manage and navigate through your workload.

Darren Tebbitt
Has now left FinView, but continues to support when he can.
Posted in:
Debt collection

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