The "Wet kwaliteit incassodienstverleners": concerning findings and solutions with FinView

Recent research by the Justice and Security Inspectorate (Inspectie Jusitie en Veiligheid) has shown that no debt collection agency currently complies with this law. An alarming fact, particularly as enforcement is set to begin on 1 January 2025. Collection service providers aiming to meet the legal requirements mainly fall short in the areas of information provision and communication methods.

The solution: FinView

For collection agencies that seek compliance with the WKI, FinView offers the ideal solution. This innovative debt collection software is designed to optimise your collection process, socialise it and ensure full compliance with legal requirements. Below, we highlight some specific features of FinView.

1. Structure and specification of claims

FinView uses a powerful template builder that ensures you can provide the debtor with the correct information at each stage of the collection process. This is crucial for meeting the requirements of the "Wet kwaliteit incassodienstverleners".
With the template builder, you can easily generate documents that not only comply with legal standards but are also clear and understandable for the debtor. FinView enables you to include all necessary details regarding both creditor and debtor, ensuring your communication is always accurate and consistent.


  • Clear breakdown: FinView offers tools to provide a detailed breakdown of the claim amount, interest calculation including rates and time periods, collection costs, and VAT (if applicable). This gives debtors a transparent overview of their financial obligations.
  • Customisable templates: You can adapt templates to specific situations or claims, ensuring the most relevant information is always communicated. This increases the likelihood of a positive response from the debtor. Additionally, each template can be set in any preferred language, allowing you to communicate with debtors in the appropriate language.
  • Communication documentation: Every step of the process is documented, enabling you to easily refer back to previous communications and information provided to the debtor.

2. Accessibility and approach

One of the key requirements of the WKI is that communication with debtors must be transparent and appropriate. FinView supports you by ensuring that you do not contact debtors at inappropriate times and that your communication style always complies with legal standards. You can set up FinView to control when communications may or may not be sent. Even if it is suddenly not allowed or inappropriate one day! Think of special unplanned days or events.

3. Quality of administration

The WKI requires you to maintain a file for each case with relevant documents. FinView makes it easy to build and manage these files. Every contact, written proof of disputes, and agreements with the debtor are automatically stored and easily retrievable.


FinView offers a comprehensive solution for debt collection agencies that want to comply with the "Wet kwaliteit incassodienstverleners". With its user-friendly interface and powerful features, FinView helps you optimise your collection processes, ensure transparent communication, and meet all administrative requirements.

Contact us today to discover how FinView can support your organisation during these challenging times.

Dylan de Blieck
Has the strangest hobby - ask him! Simply put, Dylan makes it all work together with Finaps.

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