You may at times need to remove the interest from a debt collections case. Follow our simple guide on how to do this.

1. Navigate to the case

From the open cases, select the case you need.

Navigate to the case

2. Open the options in the Insights panel

Directly under the Case status box you will find the financial insights panel. This panel explains the financial components on that specific case. The 3 dots, located above the amounts provide a few options that will help you to change the financial elements. Click on the 3 dots.

Open the options in the Insights panel

3. Click "Remove interest"

From the drop down list, select 'Remove Interest'

Click 'Remove interest'

4. Confirm by clicking 'Yes'

Click on the confirmation button labeled "Yes". FinView will now remove the interest which will be reflected in the financial components overview. A record of this activity is also added to the activities panel ensuring you have a record of this change for audit reasons.

Confirm by clicking 'Yes'

In the below screenshot, you can now see that the interest has been removed, and the overall debt value has been recalculated.

Darren Tebbitt
Has now left FinView, but continues to support when he can.
Posted in:
Debt collection

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